Book Synopsis
The story follows Lin Muhe, the Eldest Legitimate Daughter of an official family, who marries Fu Bo, the son of the Fu family. After the marriage, she discovers that the Fu family is not as simple as it seems, especially with Fu Bo's stepsister, Fu Qingqing, posing a threat to her and her mother-in-law, Fu Guangbai. Fu Qingqing uses her beauty and cunning to try to win over Fu Guangbai's affection, even resorting to drugging and framing Lin Muhe.
Lin Muhe cleverly exposes Fu Qingqing's schemes, protecting her mother-in-law and ensuring the family's peace. Ultimately, Fu Qingqing's misdeeds are revealed, leading to her disgrace in both the family and society. She is imprisoned by the Head of the Fu Family in the ancestral hall. Meanwhile, Lin Muhe and Fu Bo's relationship grows stronger, restoring harmony within the family.