Book Synopsis
Yu Sheng was an undercover police officer, and during an ordinary subway journey, he found himself trapped in a bizarre time loop. Each time the train passed certain specific stations, he would relive the same events: the arguments of a young couple, the presence of a mysterious woman in a skirt, the actions of a migrant worker, and a little girl among the passengers—all repeating endlessly. Even more chilling was the fact that a deadly bomb was hidden on the train.
To save the trapped passengers and break this endless cycle, Yu Sheng had to search for clues and unravel the mystery with each iteration. As his investigation deepened, he gradually uncovered a massive conspiracy lurking behind it all. In his repeated attempts and failures, Yu Sheng faced not only external dangers but also had to confront his own guilt and inner struggles.
In the end, would he be able to find the bomb, reveal the truth, and successfully escape from this death train? This harrowing journey on the edge of life and death would lead him into a tense and thrilling psychological adventure.