Book Synopsis
"Encounter on a Rainy Night" is a campus story that blends elements of mystery with youthful energy. It primarily tells the tale of Li Ting, who, due to a small ticketing error made by her father, is forced to return to Creek City from Jiangcheng Station on a stormy night. During this journey, she faces a series of unexpected events with her rideshare, including the driver taking a longer route, refusing to pick her up, and the tense atmosphere while carpooling.
In this unusual journey, Li Ting unexpectedly crosses paths with Lu Hao, a third-year student at her school who is introverted and focused on research. His world begins to ripple with this unexpected encounter. The two share a silent yet profound journey filled with uncertainty, showcasing Li Ting's wit and bravery alongside Lu Hao's calmness and restraint during the rainy night.
As the story unfolds, their relationship gradually develops through a series of chance and inevitable events. Lu Hao's invitation, Li Ting's hesitation, and their eventual agreement add a touch of youthful romance to the novel. "Encounter on a Rainy Night" is not just an adventure in the rain; it is also a heartwarming story of two young people understanding and supporting each other during their formative years.